Bird Photography - Improve your technique, not your gear. Part 2 of 2

In part 1 of this series, I covered a lot of things to do in-camera and when out there shooting.

In part 2, I go into some tips that are a little more broad and involve larger shifts in activity, thought process, etc. Just like the tips I listed in the prior installment, these took me years to develop or realize.

Let’s dive in!

KNOW YOUR SUBJECT – This is something that may not seem so obvious, but I can testify that its one of the most important things you can do to improve your bird photography. Buy a bird ID book like Petersons. Watch videos on Youtube. Take naturalist training classes. Join eBird. Lead a birding walk. Anything you can do to learn about your subject’s habits, calls, habitats, patterns, etc. If you understand something better, you are more connected to it emotionally and are able to create better images.

Bobolinks have always been an elusive bird for me - they are hard to find sitting still and are very active. They fly here from South America and are one of the farthest-travelling songbirds on record. Their call is very distinctive, and I know it well. When I heard this male calling I patiently waited in one spot - watching his flight pattern - and then moved into position so that I could place myself in a good position with the wind coming from the left and the sun at my back, all while maintaining a thought to keeping a good, clean background.

WORK A LOCATION – Spend so much time in a favorite birding hotspot that you know the area well, and have a good understanding of what specific areas have the most activity for that location, when to be there, and how to maximize the value of time you spend there. There are certain spots I frequent so often that I think the birds know me.

This Green Heron is a regular at Spring Valley Wildlife Reserve, and I am as well. During Spring and Fall Migrations I am at Spring Valley 4 to 5 times a week. I think this Heron and I would be on a first name basis, if he ever took the time to introduce himself before he flew off every time. I’d like to think my patience and persistence of working the area meant he finally grew accustomed to me and allowed me to finally get in close a few weeks ago.

BUT VISIT NEW LOCATIONS OFTEN – It’s good to hit new birding spots. Seeing new species and a change of scenery are great ways to recharge your mental batteries.

This Gallinule was was a new bird for me - I was able to see and photograph him during my May trip to Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. This was the first time I’ve been there, and being in a new location with so many species that were new-to-me was very energizing and exciting.

GET OUT WITH OTHER BIRD PHOTOGRAPHERS  - Going out with a group of like-minded bird photographers has many advantages. In addition to the camaraderie, you also have the fact that there are more sets of eyes looking for birds and interesting shots. Someone always sees something that I don’t. And I often find birds they don’t. Its usually beneficial for all involved, unless you invite “that guy” who is a loud talker, scares away the birds, and just wants to talk about gear all day. Don’t be that guy.

This Black-Throated Green Warbler was another first for me in May while visiting Magee Marsh with Eric. The dozens of people on the boardwalk all staring in one direction was a good clue to me that there was something special hopping around in the trees.

BE SOCIAL – Sharing your work puts it out there and helps generate connections to other bird photographers. Connections are good. Take the time to look at other photographers’ bird images; you’ll often see styles you like or choices that interest you. Learn from that and incorporate it into your own images.

My Instagram Account - I try to post 2-3 times a week on it. That commitment helps keep me active and getting out there, and also thru the fellow birders I’ve “met” on Instagram, I’ve found some great birding spots and also learned some great ideas regarding photography. That doesn’t happen unless you engage. Get Social.

PRINT YOUR WORK AND ENTER PHOTO SHOWS - Seeing your work in print is a special feeling, and one that is hard to understand until you’ve attended the first show you’ve entered and see your image hanging there on the wall with others. Good bird photography is a lot of work. Show others what you’ve accomplished. It motivates you to keep improving. And as a bonus, you may just sell some of your work!

This GBH image has been in multiple shows and has won 4 awards over the last 3 years. Every show that this image has been in has resulted in someone buying the framed print that was in the show, and also subsequent orders for it through my website.

KEEP A LIFE LIST OF THE SPECIES YOU’VE SEEN AND PHOTOGRAPHED – Its sometimes nice to go back and review what you’ve done and seen. And it helps motivate you to get out there and see something new that you can add to your bird life list. I have friends that keep a monthly and yearly count by county, but that just feels like robbing the joy out of the hobby. But keep a list. However you do it is OK, whether its with a Cornell or Sibley guide, or even just an Excel spreadsheet on your computer.

However you do it, keep a list. If for nothing else but to impress all of your non-birder friends at your next cocktail party </SARCASM>.

MAKE YOUR OWN LUCK – You’ve gotta get out there in it to get the great shots. I often will hear someone say “you got lucky” when they see an image I’ve taken. I know that they don’t mean any harm in it, as they have no idea the countless hours I may have put in getting out there and going home empty handed before it paid off with that shot. Get out there.

This image of a Ring Billed Gull the result of multiple trips to the same location one Autumn a few years ago. The spot was near a spillway where the gulls frequented hunting for small fish, with a small grove of trees on a point jutting out into the river. Finally after repeated tries over many days I was able to get the right light, wind, and fall foliage with a cooperative gull flying directly at me. I was able to get about 4 shots in before he changed direction and flew off, and this was the best one. Lucky? Maybe. But it wouldn’t have happened without persistence.

TAKE A BREAK, THEN WATCH “THE BIG YEAR” – My bird photography is at its peak in Spring and Fall, when migrations are happening. In the off-seasons I may still get out there and photograph birds occasionally, but I’m mostly shooting other things like landscapes, infrared, etc. It keeps things fresh, and also makes the times I get out even more special. After taking some time away, my go-to motivational movie to watch is “The Big Year”. If you’ve never seen it before you are missing out. If it doesn’t get you off your couch and out there photographing birds, then you are dead inside. Fun fact: the main character in the movie, played by Jack Black, is based on a guy from Ohio.

Watch this. Seriously. I prescribe that you watch it at the beginning of every Spring and Fall. And no, I’m not a doctor, but I did go birding at Magee Marsh once.

OK, that’s about it for now. I’ve shared some hard-earned lessons here in the hopes that it helps you become a better bird photographer, and in turn, grow our community and raise the bar. If you have any questions about bird photography or want to meet up sometime to go out and shoot, please drop me a note. I’d love to hear from you!

All the best,



Spring Grove Revisited – with Lomo Turquoise Film and Digital Infrared


Bird Photography – Improve your technique, not your gear. Part 1 of 2