
Do you remember
The twenty-first night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' the clouds away
Our hearts were ringin'
In the key that our souls were singin'
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh yeah

--Earth, Wind, & Fire


September is always a month of change here in Ohio. The weather is (supposed to be) getting cooler, the Fall festivals are in full swing, and Pumpkin Spice Latte’s show up on every coffee shop’s menu. There’s so much going on that if you blink the month is suddenly over.

A few days ago someone asked me if I was able to get out much and shoot, and I said “not really”. Then I came home and looked at my Lightroom catalog for the month of September and realized that was a bold-faced lie. I shot quite a lot in September!

The month started off with hiking on the first weekend. We hiked at Stillwater Reserve on Saturday, and then Caesar Creek and Cowan Lake on Sunday. I carried my trusty 1937 Rolleicord and my Duaflex with me on the hikes.

Then mid-week I was able to get out a bit to do a little bird photography at Caesar Creek. And also a cooperative female Hummingbird in the back yard.

The second weekend in September is when I found myself car-less, and did my walk about Dayton that I wrote about here.

The third weekend found us at the WACO 100th anniversary Fly-In in Troy, Ohio. This was an amazing event and so much fun to photograph. I packed my Hasselblad 500CM and some rolls of Cinestill 50D and some expired Portra 160VC.

We also stopped in to Moellers Brew Barn in Troy for lunch, and after that I shot a roll of Kodak Gold 200 in my Duaflex at the Miami County Municipal Court building.

On Wednesday the following week, I got out to shoot a roll of 70-year old expired B&W film in my Rolleicord V and actually made a few images. I was shocked that the film even worked!

The next night on Thursday, I shot the dress rehearsal for the local Springfield performance of “Pure Imagination” performed by the Youth Arts Ambassadors at the John Legend Theater. As usual the kids were great and there were a lot of great images to be had.

The last day in September found me out and about early on a Saturday doing some blue hour photography on Lomochrome Turquoise film with my Bronica S2A. While I’m still not the biggest fan of the film, it did yield some interesting results.

I came home to load up my backpack and hike at Germantown reserve with my Duaflex and an old expired roll of Fuji 400H film. We then stopped at Tom’s Maze for our annual purchase of way too many pumpkins and gourds.

Whew! That was a lot! I guess I really did get out and shoot a lot in September.

I hope you were able to get out and make some images as well. Feel free to comment with what you did in September!

I have my annual Fall trip scheduled for Hocking Hills in late October, so please keep your fingers crossed for me that I get great colors and good waterflow that week! Look for a recap on that later this month.

Thanks for reading,



Hocking Hills 2023 October Trip: Fall Colors, Bigfoot, and Asian Lady Beetles


Beware the Gear Paralysis